Thursday, 5 February 2015

Cellular Laboratories™ De-Aging Sunscreen Broad Spectrum SPF 50+ 活采新肌™青春極致防曬乳SPF 50+

Cellular Laboratories De-Aging Sunscreen Broad Spectrum SPF 50+ contains multiple sunscreen active ingredients which lessen the skin’s vulnerability to the sun and protect against the signs of ageing caused by the sun. Shield yourself from the harsh rays of the sun with Cellular Laboratories De-Aging Sunscreen Broad Spectrum SPF 50+ that works to keep your youthful and vibrant appearance intact. 
Over time, sun exposure can result in premature ageing, fine lines quickly turn into wrinkles, and without preventative action, our skin can begin to look like leather. A quality, anti-ageing sunscreen is the key to fighting the signs of ageing. Cellular Laboratories De-Aging Sunscreen Broad Spectrum SPF 50+ contains a comprehensive blend of four active sunscreen ingredients, in conjunction with the powerful skin-rejuvenating antioxidants of vitamin E and green tea extracts, protecting against incoming UVA and UVB to maintain your youthful, vibrant glow for your face and entire body. 
As we age, there are plenty of things that we cannot control. We can, however, take precautions. You wear your skin everyday; be sure to take care of it with a good sunscreen. Block out rays that rapidly increase the signs of ageing, lock in the moisture you do have, and hold on to skin elasticity and firmness by keeping the skin properly protected and equipped for the environmental effects that are around us every day. 

活采新肌青春極致防曬乳SPF 50+有何獨特之處?

活采新肌青春極致防曬乳SPF 50+包含多種有效防曬成分,可預防肌膚受環境負面影響,並延緩肌膚因日曬造成的月痕跡。使用活采新肌青春極致防曬乳SPF 50+幫助您抵禦陽光中紫外線帶來的傷害,使您青春永駐,做個凍齡美人。
隨著長時間的日曬,肌膚會出現提早老化的狀況,細紋瞬間轉成皺紋。如果缺乏預防措施,皮膚會看起來會粗荒乾燥。一瓶高品質的抗老防曬品就是抵抗月痕跡的利器。活采新肌青春極致防曬乳SPF 50+含有全方位四種防曬成分,搭配維生素E的強效抗老成分以及綠茶萃取物,幫助肌膚抵禦紫外線傷害,讓您從頭到,全身煥發年輕光采。
為何活采新肌青春極致防曬乳SPF 50+如此受到歡迎?
活采新肌青春極致防曬乳SPF 50+可擦拭於身體,也因其質地輕透且吸收快速,可當作妝前用防曬乳。

相關術語: 活采新肌青春極致防曬乳SPF 50+、抗老化、防曬

Helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles and supports normal tissue repair. 
Vitamin E
Tocopheryl acetate is one of the most well-known and researched antioxidants. Vitamin E helps to moisturise your skin, giving it a healthy and more youthful appearance.
Honeysuckle Flower, Jujuba Fruit and Licorice Root Extract
Calm and soothe, while providing nutrients necessary for the protection and retention of healthy skin. Help to promote skin elasticity and firmness.
Green Tea Extract
Antioxidant that protects the skin from free radicals.  
Dipotassium Glycyrrhizate
An anti-irritant extracted from licorice root which helps calm and soothe the skin. 
Active Ingredients in Cellular Laboratories De-Aging Sunscreen Broad Spectrum SPF 50+: 
Homosalate: 10.0% 
Avobenzone: 3.0% 
Octisalate: 5.0% 
Octocrylene: 2.6%