Wednesday, 14 January 2015

What Has Surgery Got To Do With Penguins ?

Firstly my apologies for have been AWOL since Saturday, 10th January 2015.

I was down with Acute Appendicitis without me knowing, because all I thought was I have extreme tummy ache the whole night since 11pm on Friday.

The pain came with two subsequent vomiting during the next 18 hours and that convinced me that it must be food poisoning.

It was only at around 3.15 pm on Saturday afternoon, that I sensed that this might be something different because it was really very painful when I started to walk and I can hardly stand up. This symptom seem to be triggered even more when I moved and this was something never associated to those food poisoning episodes I had experienced before.

To cut the story short, after performing the CT Scan for abdomen & pelvis, I was scheduled for the next available “flight to Penguin Island”.

On route the cold “taxiway”, the nurses were trying to calm me down by jokingly saying I will be accompanied by a few penguins during the surgery…they probably could tell from my facial expression that I was nervous and frightened. After all, it was my first attempt for surgery. Honestly, the operating theatre really freezes like “Penguin Island”, no wonder my companions would be penguins even my tears almost became ice…that’s really how cold it was in there.

When I woke up a few hours later after the surgery was over, the very first feeling was my throat hurt more than my 3 freshly cut wounds.

I was told that some medical and life aids were introduced through my throat during the surgery and that’s why the inflammation occurred.

My immediate impression then was to drink Ultimate Aloe Vera. As this was the first time I drank Ultimate Aloe Vera after a surgery, I am really impressed that just drinking I sachet of the wonder juice help soothed my throat. Highly recommended!

I have since been discharged from the hospital today, 14th January 2015.

Sorry once again for been away for the past 4 days, and
many thanks to all my Facebook friends whom have sent me get well notes and all those who actually came personally to visit me. Appreciate your gifts and support at this very painful time. Your love for me has been felt whole-heartedly.
Thanks once again for your love, Woofie !