Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Liver cancer is the third most common cause of cancer mortality in the world

Is mid-week once again. Looking forward to yet another weekends.

One of my customer who has been using Isotonix OPC 3 and Isotonix Digestive Enzymes on her 90 years old mother recently, came back with very positive feedback that she has seen her mom's skin condition improving just a couple of days of administering these Isotonix Cocktails to her. Her mom's skin condition has clearly improved, said Lynda. (See also my blogs on the truth about "Isotonix Digestive Enzymes" and for the benefits of "Isotonix OPC 3")

On the less positive note, I came to know that someone in my midst has been diagnosed with Tumour in the Liver. It is really disheartening to know that this would ever happen to someone we know.

So what exactly is Liver Cancer? Honestly this is the first time I come to know about its' existence.

Liver cancer is the third most common cause of cancer mortality in the world, the fifth most common cancer found in men and the seventh most common in women. Approximately 85 percent of liver cancers occur in developing nations, with 54 percent in China alone, according to Olivia Mungal, who studied Biology with a focus on Human Physiology at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

Shared here are some highlights of an article she published in "Explore Supplements" with regards to some studies on how Vitamin E might lower the risk of liver cancer. 

As reported by Olivia in her article entitled "Vitamin E and Liver Cancer", high consumption of vitamin E either from diet or vitamin supplements may lower the risk of liver cancer. This is in accordance to a study published on July 17 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin which is considered an antioxidant and numerous experimental studies have suggested that vitamin E may prevent DNA damage.

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To determine the relationship between vitamin E intake and liver cancer risk, Wei Zhang, M.D., MPH., Shanghai Cancer Institute, Renji Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, and colleagues analyzed data from a total of 132,837 individuals in China who were enrolled in the Shanghai Women’s Health Study (SWHS) from 1997-2000 or the Shanghai Men’s Health Study (SMHS) from 2002-2006, two population-based cohort studies jointly conducted by the Shanghai Cancer Institute and Vanderbilt University.

Using validated food-frequency questionnaires, the researchers conducted in-person interviews to gather data on study participants’ dietary habits. Participants were asked how often they ate some of the most commonly consumed foods in urban Shanghai and whether they took vitamin supplements.
The investigators then compared liver cancer risk among participants who had high intake of vitamin E with those who had low intake.

The analysis included 267 liver cancer patients (118 women and 149 men) who were diagnosed between two years after study enrollment and an average of 10.9 (SWHS) or 5.5 (SMHS) years of follow-up. Vitamin E intake from diet and vitamin E supplement use were both associated with a lower risk of liver cancer. This association was consistent among participants with and without self-reported liver disease or a family history of liver cancer.

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“We found a clear, inverse dose-response relation between vitamin E intake and liver cancer risk,” the authors write, noting a small difference between men and women in the risk estimate, which is likely attributable to fewer liver cancer cases having occurred among male participants due to the shorter follow-up period.

"Overall, the take home message is that high intake of vitamin E either from diet or supplements was related to lower risk of liver cancer in middle-aged or older people from China,” said Xiao Ou Shu, M.D., Ph.D., professor of Medicine at the Vanderbilt Epidemiology Centre."

Here are two very fine products that you would want to consider recommending your friend you know who might be looking for some supplements that could help reduce the risk of cancer.