Tuesday, 27 January 2015

For the Late Spring Cleaners, we have 3 Goats just to help you!

Hurry Chinese New Year is just around the mountain, use these wonder trios for an auspicious #CNY. #三羊开泰.

The Three Goats symbolically open up the mountain for you. This is a metaphor for a store of auspicious luck as the mountain is said to contain many potent treasures.

The Three Goats symbol is a classic good fortune symbol cleverly designed since ancient times incorporating three goats to represent the famous four-character Chinese saying "San Yang Kai Tai". San means Three and Yang in this idiom actually refers to Yang in yin-yang but the character for goat (sounds like 'yang') is used instead so that it can be represented in a graphical form. There's a lengthy explanation to the interpretation of the metaphor but it basically means 'bad luck is over and good fortune is forthcoming'.

The Goat, Sheep or Ram, which is a symbol of business intelligence and serenity of mind, is the eighth animal in the Chinese zodiac cycle. Those who are born under the Goat zodiac are said to have extremely righteous traits, such as sincerity, filial piety, creativity and kindness for others – these people are often known as the “good Samaritans” of the Chinese horoscope animals.

The Goat emits vibes of care and compassion, motherly love and gentleness, always thinking about others feelings and understanding their imperfections.

Using these SNAP Trios to clean away the dust build up over the years in your home, would just symbolizes the Three Goats opening up your personal Mountain which is your home. Your family home will be blessed with all of its caring characteristics, and Bad Luck will be dispelled and replaced with Good Luck.

Happy Spring Cleaning, and may the Auspicious Shines created by the SNAP Trios bring you and your family store of auspicious luck.