Hey is Friday,
most of you are still on vacation taking advantage of the long weekends after New Year Day.

Some of my friends commented that I am having a good life since leaving my corporate job, because I have the time to share my daily thoughts in my blog here. Are you having a GOOD Life too?
What is the definition of GOOD?
According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Good means of high quality, of somewhat high but not excellent quality, or correct or proper!
Well maybe to some, Good life means having lots of money, money, money. While to others is all about having the luxury of time to do what they like. There is really no right or wrong answer to this, because it is really each individual's expectation of what is considered good for them in life. As long as we know it and work towards the Good Life we are expecting ahead of us, we will be having a GOOD Life too.
Here are five things that do make a good partner according to Margarita Tartakovsky, associate editor of World of Psychology.
1) A good partner
knows him or herself - Knowing yourself means knowing who you are and what
you want out of a relationship. Do not be a moving target because the
person trying to please you will be confused and frustrated.
2) A good partner communicates their needs - If you realise that you need more physical contact, let you partner know so that he/she can be closer more often.
3) A good partner provides emotional safety - experience unconditional love where by each person has the necessary support to be vulnerable, show their flaws and still feel loved by the other.
4) A good partner is interested in their partner - the more engaged you are with your partner, the more they feel valued and satisfied in the relationship and the more engaged they will be with you.
5) A good partner recognises their role in disagreements - this means recognising your contribution, for instance maybe you disregarded your partner's feelings or lost your temper.
Wishing all of you a good relationship with your partner.