Thursday, 4 December 2014

Inaugural UnFranchise Seminar in Mandarin

Did you miss the two days of exceptional business-building training from more than 20 of the top builders from Market America, Market Taiwan, Market Hong Kong and Market Australia’s Mandarin-speaking trainers? 

It is truly an honour to have Advisory Council members and Million Dollar Club members as speakers, and many more top income earners to share their wealth of knowledge and experience with Market Singapore on 22nd and 23rd Nov, 2014 at the Singapore Expo Convention Centre.

With Joanne Hsi and Catherine Ma

If you have missed this first Mandarin Seminar because the tickets were fully sold out, than make sure you rush for future event tickets as soon as they are available for sales.

Trust me, tickets for Market Singapore's events are sold out almost immediately way before the event.

Good luck in securing the tickets going forward.